There are 3 massive mistakes many purpose-driven business owners make when they start taking steps to become visible and sadly because of these mistakes, their mediocre results lead to feelings of disillusionment, disappointment and often burn- out.

Becoming Visible in a young business is imperative if you want to get the word out about what you do - so that your potential clients can find you! Becoming VISIBLE has many facets - there are so many ways to put yourself out there and sometimes it's difficult to choose where to start!

If you're finding your marketing results are dismal or non-existent, chances are, it might be that with just a few tweaks, it could all turn around for you! When your marketing works, attracting your clients becomes easy, and doesn't feel overwhelming or like you're spinning your wheels.

Imagine the possibility of becoming visible and doing your marketing - like drinking a long tall glass of icy home-made lemonade on a hot steamy day - enjoyable, exciting and something you look forward to!

On my FREE upcoming call we'll make sure you know exactly what those 3 massive mistakes are so you're armed for success from the outset! You will cut down on the time spent floundering around trying to figure it all out over the next few years. It doesn't have to be hard or scary!!

Come to this call ready to:

  • Get clear on who you're serving so that creating VISIBILITY with the 'right' audience is easy.

  • Discover the one action that will connect you instantly with a group of your ideal clients all in one place! (This in itself is a BIG glug of lemonade!)

  • Uncover what that one thing is that's holding you back from stepping into the spotlight and becoming known.

  • Discover how your chosen visibility methods will allow you to feel like you won't have to 'work' another day in your life. (down that jug - its REFRESHING!)

  • Reveal those pesky potholes (those sour lemons) that might get in the way and how to avoid them. (big money and time-saver!)

  • Find out how to become known as the go-to expert in your community - even if you don't feel like one right now. (turn that sour into sweet!)

  • Find out how Visibility and List-building go hand in hand.

  • Reveal, MOST OF ALL, the 3 massive mistakes that prevent you from attracting clients and a powerful following with ease!

When creating visibility, we'll take your unique training (whether it's coaching or a healing practice) out into the world, to do what you were meant to, and to invite those whom you're meant to serve, to connect with you.

Creating VISIBILITY helps you meet potential clients NOW, and builds a list and a community of FUTURE clients and sales. It is CRITICAL to the success of your business.

Please enjoy this recording for a limited time by signing up below.

Remember, by staying small and hidden, you're denying your potential clients the joy of experiencing your skills and their benefits. You KNOW what those are, and what it means when a client tells you you've changed their life, or healed them in some way.

It's time to step up, step out and take a stride towards filling your practice and making more of difference, by drinking in all I'll be sharing with you on this call. I promise you this… you get to do it in a way that feels aligned with who you are. All will be revealed.

It's going to be juicy! (Remember to bring your curly straw and a hat. )

I can't wait to get on this call with you.

To your shining and inspired success,

aka The KeystoClarity! Coach