18 Ways Visibility impacts YOU

by Louise Crooks
Visibility 3

The word visibility is used a lot now when we are thinking about finding our clients and marketing our businesses. A quick aside: It’s hard to believe that someone a few years ago wanted me to retract my use of the word ‘visibility’ because it was ‘her’ word, and I was copyingher! LOL – seems laughable now […]

Does your Lead Magnet (Free offer) have ‘Leaky Gut’?

by Louise Crooks
lead magnet

I’m rather focused at the moment on what food does to the body, and how it can be really helpful to heal!   Especially if you have leaky gut.  It’s why I’m jumping into a 21 day Sugar Detox with a nutritionist this week. Did you know that leaky gut means you have tiny holes in […]

This is what happened to my pile of Halloween candy! (It has everything to do with marketing.)

by Louise Crooks
Relationship Marketing

It got eaten – by Clive and I! This is the pile of candy I was planning to give out on Halloween that I’m talking about. I’m not even going to show you the bag of candy we’ve nailed – it’s too embarrassing. I made the mistake of thinking that because we weren’t really around […]

My recent obsession with Scientology, and how it upset me…

by Louise Crooks

No, I’m not a Scientologist – let me get that straight at the very outset! I love studying human behavior – I guess it’s why I’ll happily watch Bachelor, Botched, and lately Leah Rimini – Scientology and the Aftermath.  (What show are you hooked on? Comment below to share with me so we can compare […]

When Life Throws Curve Balls at You

by Louise Crooks

It really sucks when you get hit by curve balls, whether it’s technology that disrupts your website, or your loved one gets taken ill. The question is what do you do when it happens? How do you handle it? Yesterday my mother-in-law passed away, after battling with ovarian cancer for 6 years.  We are all […]

Hunter or a Farmer? Nurturing relationships for a WARM and RECEPTIVE email list, ready to say YES to your Offers.

by Louise Crooks

Many of us, get caught up in this whirlwind of building an email list – or I like to call it your inner-community – however, what often gets lost in the shuffle is the part where we nurture and get to know our peeps, and for them to get to know us! Why is it […]

You don’t need to be like them

by Louise Crooks

Like many heart-centered business owners, you probably feel a lot of the time that the marketing you see out there – is a complete turnoff. And yet, there is this perception that ‘having to do marketing’ means that you need to do what ‘they’ do, even though it feels so yucky. This couldn’t be further […]

Are you ready to GO FOR IT in 2017? (3 tips to help with that!)

by Louise Crooks

Hi there! I personally can’t wait! It’s going to be a clean slate to show up exactly the way you want to, with the energy that anything you want to accomplish is possible. I just love the feeling of possibility that comes at this time of year. I’m going to share 3 tips to help […]

Get your Transformational Book Launch Checklist – Black Friday Weekend Special

by Louise Crooks

Woohoo! It’s Black Friday, and as promised I said I would be sharing something special with you! If you’re wanting to get clear on your strategy to get your book out into the world – then look no further. It’s right here. Find out what it entails to create your platform to share about your […]